Menashe$97215$ - перевод на Английский
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Menashe$97215$ - перевод на Английский

Tel Menashe; Tal-Menashe

n. Menashe (Hebreeuwse naam)


Tal Menashe

Tal Menashe (Hebrew: טל מנשה, lit. Dew of Manasseh) is an Israeli outpost in the West Bank, retroactively legalized under Israeli law as an extension (suburb) of the Israeli settlement of Hinanit, located in the Samarian hills on the northwestern edge of the West Bank. The outpost, under the administrative municipal government of the Shomron Regional Council, is adjacent to Hinanit and Shaked. It was founded in 1992 as an Israeli outpost next to the settlement of Hinanit, and moved to it final land at 1999 on state lands nearby. It was founded by a group of Israelis from a kollel in Mevaseret Zion and from the Technion in Haifa.

The international community considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal under international law, but the Israeli government disputes this.